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【学术通知】香港理工大学工业及系统工程学系助理教授王焜:Impacts of a Sustainable Aviation Fuel Mandate on Airline Competition

  • 发布日期:2024-04-30
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演讲主题: Impacts of a Sustainable Aviation Fuel Mandate on Airline Competition

主 讲 人王  焜,香港理工大学工业及系统工程学系助理教授

主 持 人: 盛  典,管理科学系副研究员




王焜博士为香港理工大学工业及系统工程学系助理教授。研究兴趣包括运输与物流管理,重点关注航空运营与管理、交通环境问题、多式联运竞争与合作。发表了80多篇SSCI/SCI期刊论文,其中30多篇发表在交通运输权威期刊Transportation Research Part A/B/C/D/E,及经济学期刊International Journal of Industrial and Organization、Energy Economics。入选斯坦福大学评选“全球前2%的科学家”,担任Transport Policy编辑和Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part D等多个期刊的编委。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,教育部人文社科项目。他还为政府和行业进行了许多咨询项目,包括中国民航局、北京市政府、厦门航空、曼彻斯特机场集团等。政策报告获得正国级国家领导人及交通部副部长批示。


The aviation industry has proposed the collective goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. In addition to the existing market-based mechanisms, the use of renewable energies, in particular, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), could be one of the most promising means of for achieving this long-term target. This paper investigates how an SAF mandate from the government can lead to heterogeneous impacts on two types of airlines, namely, full-service carriers (FSCs) and low-cost carriers (LCCs), that compete in the same markets. A game-theoretic economic model is constructed that accounts for the different service quality levels and cost structures (i.e., fuel efficiency) between FSCs and LCCs. Our analytical results suggest that the SAF mandate favors LCCs over FSCs. The share of SAF blended into fuel raises the airfares of both types of airlines while reducing the traffic and profit of FSCs. The impacts on the LCC traffic and profit depend on its fuel efficiency relative to that of FSC. When LCCs are sufficiently fuel efficient, the SAF mandate can increase their traffic and profit. We also examine how air passengers’ environmental awareness affects the outcomes of SAF mandate implementation. Our economic model also accounts for passengers’ heterogeneous preferences in terms of service quality and price sensitivity. Overall, this study suggests that the SAF mandate could provide a competitive edge for LCCs against FSCs.


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