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物理学与信息技术学院 学术报告:Electronic conduction properties of indium tin oxide: single-particle and many-body transport

发布时间:2015-01-09 浏览:

讲座题目:物理学与信息技术学院 学术报告:Electronic conduction properties of indium tin oxide: single-particle and many-body transport

讲座人:林志忠 教授(台灣交通大學 物理研究所及電子物理系)



地点:长安校区 物理学与信息技术学院六层学术报告厅(致知楼3623-3624)


讲座内容:Indiumtin oxide (Sn-doped In2O3- or ITO) is a very interesting and technologicallyimportant transparent conducting oxide.This class of material has beenextensively investigated for decades, with research efforts mostly focusing onthe application aspects.The fundamental issues of the electronic conductionproperties of ITO from room temperature down to liquid-helium temperatures haverarely been addressed thus far. Studies of the electrical-transport propertiesover a wide range of temperature are essential to unraveling the underlyingelectronic dynamics and microscopic electronic parameters. In this study, weshow that one can learn rich physics in ITO material, including thesemi-classical Boltzmann transport, the quantum-interference electron transport,as well as the many-body Coulomb electron-electron interaction effects in thepresence of disorder and inhomogeneity (granularity). To fully reveal thenumerous avenues and unique opportunities that the ITO material has providedfor fundamental condensed matter physics research, we demonstrate a variety ofcharge transport properties in different forms of ITO structures, includinghomogeneous polycrystalline thin and thick films, homogeneoussingle-crystalline nanowires, and inhomogeneous ultrathin films. In thismanner, we not only address new physics phenomena that can arise in ITO butalso illustrate the versatility of the stable ITO material forms for potentialtechnological applications. We emphasize that, microscopically, the novel andrich electronic conduction properties of ITO originate from the inheritedrobust free-electron-like energy bandstructure and low-carrier concentration(as compared with that in typical metals) characteristics of this class ofmaterial.


1.J.J. Lin and Z. Q. Li, Electronic conduction properties of indium tin oxide:single-particle and many-body transport, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter26, 343201(2014). (Topical Review)
